OSTEOPATHY is a recognised, safe, manual therapy used to diagnose and treat abnormalities in the function of the musculoskeletal system (bones, joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments). The principle of osteopathy is to work with the patient's own healing mechanism to restore balance and function throughout the whole body and alleviate pain following injury, disease or stress. After treatment patients' often report an increased sense of well-being.

Osteopaths use a variety of techniques, which include stretching and massage of the muscles and manipulation of the joints. Occasionally joints are 'clicked' to improve joint mobility. The osteopath can give advice on posture, movement, the correct seating for work stations, exercises and joint care.

Osteopaths work under the principle that there may be a number of contributing factors to the symptoms and may work in other areas of the body not just the symptomatic area. Osteopaths believe that the healthly balance and function of the musculoskeletal framework of the body is essential to whole body health. For example, a sprained ankle may cause a limp which in turn causes other parts of the body to compensate causing pain or restricted mobility in other areas.

A wide range of conditions can be helped including:

  • Back pain

  • Neck pain

  • Sciatica/trapped nerves

  • Spondylitic/arthritic pain

  • Headaches

  • Sports injuries

  • Repetitive strain injuries

  • Tennis elbow

  • Digestive problems

  • Rheumatism

  • Circulatory problems

  • Neuralgia

  • Frozen shoulder

  • Joint pains including hip and knee pain from osteoarthritis

  • Muscle spasms/cramps

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Tension/inability to relax

  • Aches and pains during pregnancy/after birth

CRANIAL OSTEOPATHY involves very gentle and subtle balancing of the bones and connective tissues throughout the body, including the head. These techniques can be used alongside conventional osteopathy or exclusively when the skeleton is softer in babies and children, the elderly, during pregnancy or in patients with osteoporosis. These safe, gentle, non-manipulative techniques could help soothe and relax your baby. Patients often report feeling very relaxed with this form of treatment. 

HOMEOPATHY is a natural medicine that has been around for over 200 years. It is a holistic therapy which means it takes into consideration the individual as a whole: mind, body and spirit.

Homeopathy is one of the most gentle, effective, and sympathetic forms of healing.
More and more people are turning to Homeopathy as their first choice of health care. It provides a natural alternative to antibiotics and other prescribed medicines.
Homeopathy can help people of all ages. It is safe to use during pregnancy and childbirth, promoting a healthy mother and baby.

HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES There are over 3000 natural Homeopathic remedies derived from animal, plants and mineral sources. They are prepared in the form of tablets, liquid or granules, which are easily dissolved in the mouth.

Homeopathic medicines are non-toxic, non-addictive, and free from side effects. They will work alongside any prescribed drugs you may be taking without any adverse effects.

Homeopathy treats all health complaints including:

  • Asthma & allergies

  • Eczema

  • Headaches & migraines

  • IBS & digestive problems

  • Menstrual & menopausal complaints

  • Insomnia & sleep disorders

It is also successful in mental, emotional disorders such as:

  • Grief & stress related disorders

  • Anxiety & depression

  • Fears, phobias & panic attacks

HYPNOTHERAPY is known to be very successful in treating addictions but it is now commonly used to help with:

  • Self esteem & confidence

  • General wellbeing

  • Stress

  • Anxiety & worry

  • Inner child healing

  • Letting go of the past

  • Weight control 

  • Phobias

And much more...

What is hypnotherapy and what happens in a session?
Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis (relaxation) for therapeutic purposes. It is a naturally occurring state which is very similar to our daydream state.

Hypnotherapy allows parts of the brain to become more active so that visualisation, learning and memory recall becomes easier and positive changes can be made.
This is achieved by talking you through visualising a scene, such as a beach or another natural place, until your body feels completely relaxed. 

What does hypnotherapy feel like?
You are comfortable and relaxed and yet you are aware of sounds and movements around you.  It can give you a feeling of total security, wellbeing, contentment and relief from tension. 

It is likely that you will experience a deep inner peace and feel completely rejuvenated. This sensation is thoroughly enjoyable, as well as being healing for the mind and body.

COUNSELLING allows a person to talk about their problems and feelings in a confidential environment. Counselling helps you to deal with feelings that may trouble you, as well as offering support.

Counselling and therapy allows you to look deeper into your problems and worries and about events in your life.

New ways of behaving and thinking can be discovered and used to create changes.

Sometimes we feel the need to talk to someone who is outside our network of family and friends.

A comfortable and consistent space is offered where sessions take place and are treated as strictly private and confidential.

In therapy and counselling you may experience:

  • A re-connection to your deeper self

  • Some tools to use in everyday life

  • An improvement to your vitality and well being

  • A new direction

  • A greater sense of meaning in our everyday life

Issues that counselling and therapy may help with include:
  • Self Esteem 

  • Depression and anxiety

  • Relationship issues

  • Anger management

  • Stress

  • Bereavenent and loss

  • Dealing with sexual abuse issues

  • Shame based issues 

  • Miscarriage/abortion

  • Eating disorders 

  • Confidence and assertion

  • Divorce and separation 

  • Changing your life direction

  • Post traumatic stress 

  • Identity

  • Loneliness 

    And much more...